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plotly demo
library(plotly) p <- plot_ly(economics, x = date, y = unemploy / pop) p
Add borders and annotations outside a ggplot using gtable
In a previous post we demonstrated how to add a secondary y-axis to a line plot in ggplot2 by recreating a chart from The Economist. But if you examine the chart more closely you will see that we left out the grey borders surrounding the plot, and also the top...
Line plot with two y-axes using ggplot2
I’m a big fan of fancy charts and infographics, and The Economist’s daily chart is my favorite stop for data porn. They know how to visualize data sets in compelling ways that attract readers’ attention but still communicate the message effectively. For example, this chart shows how the number of...
Structural Modeling of Credit Risk - Part 1
As credit risk became an increasing concern in recent years, various advanced methods have been employed extensively to measure credit risk exposures. Nowadays, structural and reduced form models represent the two primary classes of credit risk modeling approaches. The structural approach aims to provide an explicit relationship between default risk...